Who is Jane Peacock?
Jane Peacock
December 2002 to present
EXPERIENCE Bureau Chief, Family Health Bureau and Title V Director,
Public Health Division, New Mexico Department of Health (DOH).
Responsible for leadership and direction of all Family Health Programs
(10) of major, statewide scope. Engages in core public health functions
and provides essential public health services in the context of the
Department of Health (DOH) Strategic Plan (Plan) to achieve the DOH’s
and the Public Health Division’s (PHD) mission, vision, goals
and objectives. Family Health Bureau Programs include the Maternal
Child Health Program, Children’s Medical Services for Children
with Special Health Care Needs, the Family Planning Program, the WIC
Program, the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, the Farmers Market
Nutrition Program, the Perinatal Case Management Program, MCH Epidemiology
including Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, the Newborn
Hearing Screening Program, and the Newborn Genetic Screening Program.
Annual budget responsibility: $63 million dollars.
Skills Required: Successful experience in managing multiple source budgets of extensive and broad scope, thorough knowledge of Maternal, Child and Infant Health and Nutrition, knowledge of the federal and state legislative process, policy development and clinical operations, business administration and personnel management/team building, governmental accounting & forecasting, familiar with electronic benefit transfer and smartcard applications management in a public health setting, public relations, formal presentation skills, computer software design process for large clinic systems, banking and contracting, advanced management techniques for planning and evaluation, grants writing and management.
April 1988 to December 2002
Section Chief, Family Foods & Nutrition Services, NM Dept. of Health
(Director of the following major public health programs):
New Mexico Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants
and Children (WIC)
New Mexico Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)
New Mexico Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
WIC services at 110 locations provide food assistance, nutrition counseling
and referrals for 58,000 clients per month. Direct determination of
program goals and objectives, direct preparation of proposed legislation
and regulations and implementation of those regulations. Interpreted
federal and state statutes, participated in public hearings, and evaluated
program effectiveness. Responsible for supervision of 36 staff at State
Agency and indirectly responsible for supervision of 177 professional/clerical
staff statewide. Supervision included 86 nutritionists, 91 clerks,
1 licensed practicing nurse, 6 district health program managers, and
10 diverse Contract Agencies. Commodity Services provided government
commodities for 21,000 women, infants, children under 6, and seniors
through 4 warehouses and 38 tailgating sites statewide. FMNP services
provided fresh fruits and vegetables through farmers markets through
out the state. Total budget over 41 million dollars. During that time,
WIC Program growth was 106 percent.
Special Projects included:
• Special Project of Regional and National Significance, “Comienzo
Superior” (Breastfeeding Promotion Grant)
• “Classrooms “without Walls: A Bridge to Careers for Underserved
Populations,” Co-authored, received grant., and collaborated on a collaborative
effort with Santa Fe Community College to educate rural women in 9 hrs. college
level nutrition coursework through distance technology. $300,000.00
• WIC “Feeding Relationships” Grant. Co-authored $300,000
grant, and collaborated with New Mexico State University to educate nutritionists
and therapists across state to act as support for high risk nutrition clients
• “NMTX Multi-state Smartcard Project” Co-authored multi-million
dollar grant and collaborated with Texas WIC and Food Stamp Programs, NM Food
Stamp Program and TANF Program to develop and implement one of the first hybrid
Smartcards in the country in New Mexico and Texas.
• Multi-state rebate agreements negotiator with private formula manufacturers
worth $8.6 million per year to NM.
• NM WIC Computer System Development Project: statewide development and
successful implementation of a $5.6 million dollar decentralized WIC computer
• WIC Facilitated Group Discussion Methodology: development &
formal evaluation of nationally recognized nutrition education approach
“ WIC Facilitated Nutrition Education” (responsible for
training 22 other states in this innovative method)
• Career ladder for State nutrition professionals
• Implemented 5- 34’ mobile WIC units for services to rural areas,
• Media Literacy/Parenting project and evaluation with nationally known
psychologist Irving Lazar, Coalition for Quality Children’s’
Media and Children’s Television Workshop
July 1986 to April 1988
Graduate Lecturer and Editorial Assistant, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, Pennsylvania.
Taught graduate level courses on clinical nutrition counseling.
Editorial assistant, Journal of Nutrition Education (an internationally
distributed professional journal)
May 1985 to July 1986
Director, Nutrition Services Department, H.C.A.Sun Towers Hospital,
El Paso, TX
Departmental management responsibility for delivery of both inpatient
and outpatient clinical nutrition and patient and public food services
in a private 250 bed hospital setting with a regionally renowned burn
unit. Target population included all age groups. Annual budgetary responsibility
$700,000.00. Planned, implemented, and evaluated all aspects of nutritional
support within hospital managing staff of 27. Ensured integration of
department services with other members of medical team. Implemented
first computer information management system for tracking food inventories,
production and costs. Developed weight management program and gastric
balloon program counseling services.
January 1982 to May 1985
Director, Nutrition Services Department, Mercy Medical Center
Durango, CO
Departmental management responsibility for delivery of both inpatient
and outpatient clinical nutrition and patient and public food services
in a non-profit 110 bed hospital setting. Nutrition services were provided
for all age groups. Annual budgetary responsibility $400,000.00. Planned,
implemented, and evaluated all aspects of nutritional support within
hospital managing staff of 20. Ensured integration of department services
with other members of medical team. Special projects included implementation
of Nutrition Support Team with surgeons, revision of food services,
catering, and plans for renovating restaurant.
March 1981 to January 1982
Clinical Dietitian, Nutrition Services Department, HCA Suntowers Hospital
El Paso, Texas
Implemented new clinical nutrition component of department in 250-bed
private hospital setting with regional burn unit facility. Services
focused on enteral and parenteral nutrition support for abnormal nutrition
status, i.e. major burns, medical and surgical patients, and cardiac
December 1979 to April 1981
Nutrition Education Coordinator, WIC Program, El Paso City County Health
El Paso, Texas
Coordinated all nutrition education activities for El Paso County,
encompassing six major urban clinics and a caseload of 10,000 clients.
Target population was Pregnant, breastfeeding, and post partum women
who were economically disadvantaged and where 70 percent were Spanish
speaking only. Materials were culturally sensitive to the population.
Responsibilities included budget development, planning, audits, WIC
vendor activities, outreach coordination and public speaking. Local
level agency experience.
July 1978 to December 1979
Nutritionist, WIC Program, El Paso City County Health Unit
El Paso, Texas
Supervised five paraprofessionals in rural (Tigua Indian Reservation),
serving Tigua indian women, infants, and children under 5 and then
later at another location in the inner city served a Hispanic urban
population of women, infants, and children. Directed both clinical
operations and nutrition education components of program. Caseload
of 2,500, 80% Spanish speaking only. Job duties focused on identification
and solution of operational problems, controlled distribution of food
vouchers, diet consultations, nutrition classes, and personnel management.
Registered Dietitian, American Dietetic Association
Member, New Mexico Dietetic Association
Member, National Association of WIC Directors
Health Media Reviewer/Member , Coalition for Quality Children’s’
Member, Association of State and Territorial Public Health Nutrition
Member, UCLA MCH Leadership Institute for 5 years
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, October 1992, “The Effects of Television Viewing on Childhood Obesity”
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, January 1999, “How to Make Nutrition Education More Meaningful Through Facilitated Group Discussions”
Australian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vol.55, No.3, September 1998, “Training for Facilitated Group Discussions: Impact on Practice in a Community Nutrition Setting.”
Designed WIC Facilitated Nutrition Education Curriculum, a theory-based nutrition education curriculum targeting WIC clients. Also co-produced training video for facilitated group discussions, the methodology used to deliver the curriculum
Executive Producer for Video, “Gimme Five.” Video based on the Five a Day nutrition concept for increasing fiber and decreasing fat content of the diet, targeted a primarily Hispanic WIC population.
Co-production of video, “Healthy Eating for a Healthy Baby”,
a 10 minute video focusing on the relationship between weight gain
during pregnancy and birth outcome, using the food pyramid. English
and Spanish
Co-production of video, “Baby Talk”, a 10 minute video
focusing on infant developmental cueing, readiness, and feeding behaviors.
English and Spanish
Co-production of video, “The Food Guide Pyramid”, a 10 minute video focusing on food activities children can do with their parents focusing on the food guide pyramid. English and Spanish
Co-production of video, “The Mobile Unit”, a 10 minute training video focusing on clinic operations and maintenance for WIC Mobile Medical Units that serve the colonias in Southern New Mexico.
Co-production of video, “The Farmers Market”, a 10 minute
video focusing on purpose of the New Mexico Farmers Market Nutrition
Program and use of WIC Farmers’ Market Checks in a New Mexico
farmers market.
“Centering Pregnancy: A Group Prenatal Care Model,” Association
of Maternal Child Health Programs. Washington D.C., February 22, 2005.
“Pregnancy Update”, Healthy Start Annual Conference, Las Cruces, NM 2004
“The Feeding Relationship”, FIT Kids Teleconference, USDA sponsored event for 33 states, Austin, TX, April, 2003
“Healthy Growth, Not Healthy Weight” FIT Kids Teleconference, USDA sponsored event for 33 states, Austin, TX, April 2003
“Classrooms Without Walls,” Phoenix, AZ, National WIC Association Conference. September 10-12, 2002
“Innovative Nutrition Education: Feeding Relationships,” Phoenix, AZ, National WIC Association Conference. September 10-12, 2002
“WIC Partnerships and the Nurturing Parent,” Phoenix, AZ, National WIC Association Conference. September 10-12, 2002
“Computer Based Training, Design, Development and Implementation,”
San Diego, CA, National Association of WIC Directors Technology and
Program Integrity Conference. December 2-5, 2001
“The Effects of Television Viewing on Childhood Obesity,”
Las Vegas, Nevada, International FASEB Conference. April 1988.
“Nutrition Education That Works: WIC Facilitated Groups,”
Two day workshop
Seattle, Washington, WALWICA Conference, October 1993
Little Rock, Arkansas, Southwest Regional WIC Conference, May 1994.
Seattle, Washington, Western Regional WIC Conference, October 1994.
San Diego, California, National WIC Nutrition Conference, December
Portland Oregon – Oregon WIC Program Statewide Training 1996
Phoenix, AZ - Arizona WIC Program Statewide Training 1995
Chicago, Ill- NAWD Annual Meeting 1995
Boston, MA- NAWD Annual Meeting 1996
Raleigh, NC – North Carolina WIC Program Statewide Training 1997
San Diego and Sacramento, CA – California WIC Program, Provided
Training of California Staff as the “Intervention” for
Nutrition Ed. Study 1998
Anchorage, Alaska- Alaska WIC Program Statewide Training 2000 and program
consultation for reaching rural populations
“WIC Facilitated Nutrition Education. The Garden of Excellence”
Pennsylvania State University Faculty Presenter for Two Day Regional
Satellite Teleconference. Presented to 5 states, including Texas, Louisiana,
Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Trained over 1200 WIC personnel
over 2 days
“Quality WIC Nutrition Services,” Chicago, Ill. NAWD Annual Meeting, May, 1995
“Quality WIC Nutrition Services,” Boston, MA. NAWD Annual Meeting, April, 1996
“The New Mexico WIC ADP System” San Francisco, CA. NAWD
Annual Meeting, May, 1997
“The New Mexico WIC ADP System Showcase for Other States,”
Harold Runnels Auditorium, NM Dept. of Health, Santa Fe, NM, July,
“WIC Electronic Benefit Transfers (EBT) Challenges and Partners,” National WIC Leadership Conference, Special Session for Congressional Staffers, Rayburn House, Washington, D.C., February, 1999.
“WIC Electronic Benefit Transfers (EBT) Challenges and Partners,” National WIC EBT Conference, San Diego, C.A. December, 1998.
“Results of the Pennsylvania State University/California WIC Nutrition Education Study on the Impact of Facilitated Nutrition Education,” National Assoc. Of WIC Directors Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 1999.
Team member, Public Health Division Leadership Team 2002-2005
Department Designee, New Mexico Lt. Governor’s Children’s Cabinet 2004-2005
Steering Committee, Early Childhood Comprehensive Alignment Project 2004-2007
Committee member, NM Public Health Division Council on Performance Excellence 2004
Department Designee, Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness 2004
Department designee, Association of State and Territorial Public Health Nutrition Directors 2000-2007
Board member, University of New Mexico Nutrition/Dietetics Program Advisory Board; 2005
Committee member, New Mexico State Family Impact Seminar Advisory Committee, 2004-2006
Grantee, UCLA MCH Leadership Institute 2003-2007
Committee member, PACWEST Distance Learning Advisory Council 2002-2005
Staff, Cabinet Secretary’s Abstinence Advisory Council 2002-2006
Co-Chair of Planning Committee, National Association of WIC Directors Technology and Program Integrity Conference. Washington D.C., December 2-5, 2001
Committee member, ASTHPND Growth Chart Conference, Denver, C.O., 2000
Committee member, Southwest Regional USDA Office Nutrition Education Special Initiative, 1999-2000
Committee member, National Association of WIC Directors, EBT Users Committee, 1996-2000
Committee member, National Association of WIC Directors, MIS Planning Committee, 1999-2000
Technical Advisor. “National WIC Nutrition Education Assessment Study.” ABT Associates, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Study funded by U.S.D.A. Office of Analysis and Evaluation. 1993-1998
Committee member. National Association of WIC Directors Technology Committee.1996-1999
Co-Chair, National Association of WIC Directors Technology Committee, 2000
Advisory Committee member. Pennsylvania State University/California WIC Nutrition Education Study on the Impact of Facilitated Nutrition Education. 1996-1999.
EDUCATION Masters of Science in Nutrition (1988)
from: The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania
(Thesis on Childhood Obesity and Television Viewing)
Bachelors of Science in Home Economics, emphasis Nutrition (1978)
from: University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
Registered Dietitian , Coordinated Undergraduate Program in Dietetics
Obtained ADA Registration (501344) October 1978